pages in my book are being ripped out the book doesn’t make sense now it doesn’t follow anything it’s not in order it’s weaker i cant remember what it said before what happened before this? it’s gone no it’s on the floor but i don’t know where the pages are on the floor they all look the same they’re too far away i cant read them they’re all the same why cant i remember i cant rewrite what happened
my book is torn apart it’s so weak it feels so empty **** i feel so empty please i have to find another copy i have to remember i cant keep forgetting what happened i cant keep feeling empty
the pages on the floor are giving my frozen feet paper cuts the cuts continue but they go deeper im being sliced up up up up and up to my head i cant do this anymore please
author of my book why cant you make more copies i cannot handle not remembering it’s getting so hard to fill in the gaps the pages on the floor hurt i cant see them i feel so empty my book is so empty