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Dec 2020
My humble supplication
My dear Lord! Steer me to the righteous track,
And once granted, sustain me never in will lack,
I'm humble, so small and prostrate before Thee,
If worse were my lot, strike it off ere it faces me.

Thy bounties are infinite, I seek an ethereal cup,
Full of Absolute Love, eagerly I will gulp and sup,
In the maze when I stagger and piteously wallow,
Light of the cup shall usher me and I shall follow.

Whirling alone in void and suddenly nowhere ,
The twisted paths baffle me, where's the glare,
Verily  Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent ,
Many cruxes, cross roads, maneuver  my ascent.

Treacheries and falsehood  are on the rampage,
I'm helpless and forsaken but for Thine assuage,
Licking my wounds, I beg for Thy help and balm,
In the evening of my life, so pass me on in calm.

O Lord! Bless me, no one will enchant praises ever,
Pardon me for failures, with mine intensions never,
I hadst scrambled, wrangled and put in a solid fight
In my desolate seclusion, I ask for Thine Divine Light, (By Dr. Riaz Ahmad, December 10, 2020)
Written by
Dr Riaz Ahmad  78/M/faisal town Lahore
(78/M/faisal town Lahore)   
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