In the name of that gratitude The only thing I can offer is my rhymes When I am undone by limitless altitude Like a child, a hum childhood hymns Gleaming the fire of desire in enormous solitude Splendour that devour world’s faulty signs.
For some special quality; Unknown to mine stage Indeed, for full feel Strengthens my weakened heart And in our own iniquities We surge to perfect love’s length.
A precious friend, found in life’s journey Walk on the treacherous paths Long curved on a wide expanse Which now mastered as long lived before Hopes high, sorrows swept two four.
Countless trophies of sweetened trials That she stolen part of me And the stolen heart greatly honoured By the un-sinning owner That her loves’ preciousness dine my table, Beauteous ***** charms rare joy That life’s intricacies gleam in dark rays
The secret to the passage Where sorrow, amidst pain, rules no more The strong relief, spring that bears ignominious pearl To her, am honoured To lodge this kindred delight. (For "V")