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Dec 2020
Is there a true balance in chaos?
When the scales are a jawbone tilting towards flame or abyss
if there is peace in everything, in death and destruction, is there peace in this?
What good is love if it carries the fear of loss?
The morality of control is all amiss,
ease the open mind, dissolve into the air and toss
spilling a balm of requiem over all the troubles you come across.

Is that truly freedom, elevation to a higher understanding
or have I purchased a new plateau for my home?
It seems I'm always sinking low and never landing,
though I have no quarrels when I am free to roam
the cost of leaving is only all you have and all the comforts on hand
more for others and none for some, with these earthly burdens that we know
if you could set your destination to any horizon, with only the people and the past to hold you
would you look them in the eyes and say goodbye, unpossessed; an empty field with only room to grow,
would you leave them behind the bars of harsh memory, to spare your hardened self the sorrow,
would you wait until dark, without a word, or would you not be able to go?
please read and enjoy
Tom Shields
Written by
Tom Shields  28/M/Texas
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