My safe haven is located during a dangerous event. Thunderstorms. Whenever the rain pounds the pavement to the beat of the drum I give in to my impulses. I dance, sing, cry, and play in the rain. I forget about my loneliness through the drops. My body and soul unwinds. It's like getting spiritually drunk. It feels natural and to a degree, it feels holy. I feel more human. To be able to cleanse yourself through the rain, is removing your sins and mistakes and pain all in one fluid motion. The crazier the lightening, the louder the thunder, or the heavier the rain, the stronger my need is to be submerged within it. I thrive off the dangerousness, I relish the cracking sounds above my head I enjoy the whip like flashes of white in the sky. I don't mind being caught up in the fierce winds. I'm bound to it. My head is always in the clouds, I guess. I find my refuge and peace within the chaos. Water in general calls my name, but there's a certain pleasure that I find in the rain.