As this tenth grade year rolls by I just don't have a chance to take a sigh Life is taking me for a ride Forcing me at every moment to abide
It seems like everyone is doing better than me Anyone remember when life was carefree At one time, learning was play Not one of those agressive F1 freeways
I've never been the competitive types Despite all the Asian stereotypes But peace seems to be all but forgotten The college race seems to be a race we all entered in
I see teenage achievers, wonder how they do it They have already entered their cockpits While I stand on the stairs, looking back at the beautiful view Knowing in a short amount of time, boarding will soon ensue
I feel overwhelmed even though I shouldn't be I feel overwhelmed even when there are a thousand people working harder than me I feel overwhelmed when I look at 2018's reality I feel overwhelmed at the idea of being handed the control key
Life was much simpler back then I felt like I lived in a lion's den The world seemed like a land of infinite possibilities Now, it seems like an ever increasing stack of responsibilities
The memories are etched in my mind My days in Rosa Parks and ICS on rewind My life has changed so dramatically Ever since the move in January
My life took a U-turn My skin got scorched brown in the ruthless sun Everything seemed to be preparation for the firing gun Everyone except me seemed to be prepared to run
I wanted to tell my story Let it out in all its glory But copying from the passage was obligatory Everything I read was explanatory
The grades passed on, yet I never really felt a change My interests were increasingly estrange While my peers constantly tried to grow up ASAP I continued living life in recap
As the pressure began to build, I could feel it too Would I be able to pull through At times I wish I could start life anew Maybe waste less time and make an amazing debut
I feel overwhelmed even when life is going well My nostalgia keeps me from enjoying the present I feel overwhelmed when I face the future Feeling that the past was much more pleasant I feel overwhelmed when I am reminded of my poor dad Slogging away just to get to see us for a few months in the year I feel overwhelmed when I see the the fate of a impoverished young lad Forced to work out of fear
They say change is the only constant in this universe Change has been what I repel But now I am on my last verses After letting it out, life has a reduced ability to overwhelm