Love is ******* sliding down your throat Something to come out so bad you hope No one will notice the stench you breathe And your skin sticks to your bones for all to see.
Love is a blade dancing on your wrist Scarring the skin that your lips once kissed Blood leaking out dripping down your arms ‘cause no one ever warned you of this type of harm.
Love is a gun barrel on your teeth Cold and complete in a solid piece With a pull of a trigger it will all be well ‘cause you truly believe this is worse than hell
Love is a hand clamped down on your mouth Hushing your words as you're screaming out No one will help you if they can’t hear So you might as well take it and deal with the fear
Love is a fist crashing with your head Just one more blow ‘fore they leave you for dead All your teeth crumble and lips they bleed But they swear to you this is just what you need