picking up the baton, bowing briefly to the mass of people, and my orchestra, a smile stretched across my face as this moment I did embrace as I raised my arms. to this dream come true. instruments of wind, elements of brass, soft strings, percussion too, faces looked at me with intent, instruments and players ready to do what they love to do, play ensemble, but the beats of my heart grew excited with each bar that was played, the musicians and spectators swayed as I conducted. in this moment there was no other place. truth be told, I was bold, no one was watching me unless from their window see? a dog walk ended with the graceful trees, the gentle breeze; they were moving to the music which played in my ears, my dog patiently sat, then laid down, for those moments I was directing the forest, the wind and fulfilling a dream, being humbled by the natural symphony.
There is a lot to be done with a stick (a baton), an ipod nano (orchestra), AGF headphones, an observation and graceful trees and a gentle breeze...