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Jun 2010
Hey baby doll,
Does it even matter to you?
To keep plans at all?
To follows your words up right?
Does anything matter at all?
Except where the next party calls?
Except who pours the next drink?
Who lines the next shot?
Is that life to you?
Is that all you got?
For if it is, I'm gone.
I can't deal, can't hang with your ****.
I leave, and hope you head for a fall.
To make you realize
Who truly matters at all.
For you look like a rose,
But the smell you put off
Is a combustion of diesel and alcohol.
String me along some more if you please,
And I will make you see
That life ain't nothing without me.
You got nothing without me.
Go have another drink,
And when you finally come crawling back,
I throw you a fist full of dollars.
Tell you to have another on me.
Go ahead baby.
It's free.
Now watch me leave.
I ain't going to stand for anymore immaturity.
If it isn't me, let me be.
I will take my heart and go.
Be free away from the tortures
You rain down upon me.
You're not that good.
You're nothing near great.
You're not worth my time.
You ain't worth a fight,
And here I stage my flight.
Breathe a fresh breath.
So clean away from you
And the filth of your life
That pretends to want me.
But no matter how I knock,
I'm not let in.
I'm held on the step,
And the significant limbo,
The balance on that step,
Does precarious flips
Upon my stomach.
And now I lose my nerve.
I've lost my nerve.
One last knock to see if the door handle turns,
And I turn
To take my leave
Of you,
And all that brings you down
Because it's bringing me down,
And I ain't going down with your ship
And all of your *******.
If I'm not even invited
To come in and sit.
It's down to you.
The time
Has lost my patience.
It's gone from my mind.
I want it no more.
I begin to abhor
Every moment I've wasted on you.
And there is little to no
That you can or will do
To bring me back
- to change my mind -
Because once the heart has gone black,
It don't go back.
It won't go back.
It's over and gone.
You set it in stone,
Written above your grave
As it looks down upon you,
And all that we had known.
And now I have gone.
Such immaturity,
The childish ways.
Leave them in high school,
Middle school preferred.
You're in college now
Headed for the world,
And you decide to act like a school girl.
What did you hope to gain from that?
Because I won't go back,
You turned my heart black.
That's the fact,
And there's no way back.
What did I mean,
Some strange sort of inbetween?
Inbetween what?
Another two guys, from up and down the block?
No baby, that ain't me.
I'm looking for the kind of girl
Who loves me for me -
Not for my money,
Will laugh because I'm funny,
Love me whether I'm fat or skinny -
Because I will be me.
And I need you to be you,
Not some dressed up China doll.
But as I said,
You're headed for a fall,
And I couldn't care less at all.
Have fun in your Hell.
I'm headed for my Heaven.
Anywhere that has no you is where I want to live in,
I can really dig in,
Kick my feet up
And watch, as the world
Beats you up,
Because I'm done.
I'm gone.
I can't wait anymore
For you to grow up,
So this is goodbye
So long
To what was Love
To what now is lost
Jack Turner
Written by
Jack Turner
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