scribbling through pain of wrist and tensed forearms brought bettered by repetition thru peddled death of calves and ruined bowels of pre- cancered prostate. constant film of excreted toxins and another cigarette only suffo- cates these already humid- battered lungs. another trip out of doors only brings realization of the heat inside, buried deep beneath time- pressured skin. some heart forcing beats even though cells have hardened via emo- tionally evolved polysaccha- rides. perhaps times' gain of addiction finds lack of release of toxins, perhaps the devel- opment of a superior being detached. lies, and realized, wholly-owned and flawed chitin formed of prior life, formed of shared chemicals of plasma-like water shed. and called abrupt ending, and lack of self-perspective found lead-in to ending the reign of self. ending some reign of I the Destroyer.