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Jul 2013
my mind is pale and drawn
thoughts spinning surreal and with washed out color
i sit on the edge of the bed
and stare into the void of carpet
i am sick
numb to this idea
i make coffee and try and eat
i must venture things must be done
i reach for my cup
wake several hours later as a pool of sweating ache
on the floor several feet from the bed
how did i get here
i do not have energy to get up
but the kindle is here charging on a plug
by the baseboard
so i write
f%#kin horrid habit sometimes dont'cha think
sick as a dog and im carving up a poem
ok enough of this insanity
off to emergency i take my silly old ***
ill be fine
as soon as the room stops spinning
see you cats later
aiko aiko
lol...even stopped to do a spell check...LOL im insane...or im a or the other
mark john junor
Written by
mark john junor  59/M
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