There are things that I have done. There are songs that I have sung. The Beatles said it best.
I have been pregnant twice. It was a long time ago. Now my grandchildren are grown.
I have held a few jobs. I did them well. My bosses were pleased. Well not Tim. He was a *******. But Joyce was Amazing.
I have been friends with wonderful people. All except a few have left of no accord.
I am lonely in old age, barren of thought. Yet still I write you my phantom friend. I hug myself and long for the cigarette days. The nights of Tia maria and wine. Do you still put your lips around the bottle? You said not to spill a drop.
The summer's by the lake. My tan self at home in the suburb of my youth and middle age. I was startingly free and loud in laughter.
Everything in my plot of Summer smelled of you. Years ago when you lied lovingly so as to keep me in the cocoon of your conversations. I was unfooled. I remain in the mind of Narcissus, your willing amanuensis. X the night of unremembering all these years of you.