Life is a war in which we're all in. You cant win the battles until you've conquered the sin. My heart, it is breaking, bludgeoned outside and within.
Cutting words and bleeding verse, those who don't deserve it arrive to it first. On hands and knees, digging trenches to hide, preserving armor for the battle at first-breaking light.
First come the soldiers, the liars, the thieves. Then come the sinners, who die on their knees. The funeral bells ring with no discrimination; for the war is our own, no help from our nation.
Life is for living, but often dying comes first, while waging the wars that were known since our birth. For plagues are not locusts, frogs, or a flood; but in hate, persecution, abuse, and our blood.
Some day we'll all die, and cease to exist, I just hope that you know I wouldn't ask for all this.
Some free form that I wrote in the Summer of 2012.