to know and to be certain that you exist in someone else's world minutes or hours away is incredible - yet completely illogical.
to know and to be certain that someone thinks of you when you're not there is an absurdity - and yet entirely wondrous even then, still, your fingers ache to grasp the intangible reality of revelation as to when and where your two worlds will collide again when you are apart.
and upon that collision will there be time to stand and watch the seasons change? or will it move like lightning - in seconds it is gone and you have missed it.
will days be weary from verbal abscission or will hours be shortened by love's implicitly? furthermore, will night's be stormy from words left unsaid or will minutes be lengthened by confluence of two souls?
those moments when souls are bonded when their eyes find yours when your breath catches when your voice falters in your throat those moments when their lips press against your skin when your eyes close when your hands clasp and your heart hammers those moments when
you cant tell whose heart is is synching with who's - those are the moments you crave.
there is nothing more innocent than someone who can stop you in your tracks with a wave - and take your breath away with a smile, jumpstart your heart with a word, and ignite a fire in your stomach with a kiss.
the absurdity of those moments is incredible - yet completely illogical. so tell me, what does it really mean to be certain?