living in the arctic . away from civilization . it makes one immune to the cold . what is cold to a warm hand . that gives life to those too numb to stand? . . it is just my environment . . disarmed by peaceful defiance . . . there’s no explanation for it . or for me . . . you may write your story with thought . . . . . you may steal the glory and not get caught . . . . i’ll be here into my work . . God’s wisdom . . there's so many names and metaphors for it . . . . oh how the mind is a craftsman . . . a carpenter. . . this work is my cabinet . . to build within the cold . . . helping those who wish . . who desire to know . . . listening to a cold soul . . I offer the null, (the now) . . . i offer the null (the now). . . blizzards cannot be felt by the heart’s inferno . . . melt snow . . . melt it slow . . . . with love that’s eternal . . a fire core . with two pillars of strong wind . . when they find me complete I feel defeated . . because that type of thinking is cheating . . . . . . . . . . . thinking too ahead . . . . thinking you’re done with it all . . thinking you're done with knowing everything about me . . . . victory is when you make someone else feel great on their own . . . . shhh.....let it be their own idea . . . . . . . . . in secret . . . . . . without substances . . . . without your help . . . . . . by watching them complete themselves . . . . . Away from sugar . . Away from contemplation . . Away from justification . . . . And let them get high off who they are! . . . ever met yourself sober? . . and drunk off your own ambition? . . . As it gets better when you're older . . . Giving up a fix is like starting a business . . . . . because the customer service may give off a cold ominous feeling . . . yet . . . . . . . . . . . you’re humbled. . . disarming walls with no reason . . . . as if you’re alone with GOD . . . and . . . . . feeling abundant with nothing or no one there JUST GOD
. . . . . . you may only feel the air . but there's still something to share . in the cold there’s no despair . . it’s our endurance . . our adaptability . . that doesn’t compare . . Feel The Atmosphere . . . surprising yourself . . . realizing yourself . . You are here . . you were there.