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Nov 2020
Sunlight pours in through the blinds,
warming the blanket slowly,
binding you to the spot for little while longer.
Time seems irrelevant, pointless, and strange…
Responsibilities of the day call upon you.
You promise to yourself to come shortly,
but the warmth of the blankets is tempting you to stay.
Move your feet, move them slowly at first if you must.
Stardust collected in your eyes last night,
wash it away, begin your day.
Another day as a cog in a machine,
mindlessly moving from one function to the next.
A force pulls you in another direction,
you resist the tug to and endeavor to keep pace.
This has become engrained in your soul.
This person is not me, I swayed from myself a long time ago.
I cannot remember anything,
my eyes no longer sparkle when I speak.
Written by
Em  F/Great White North.
(F/Great White North.)   
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