... on the darkened edge, no voices heard that I recall. Slipping around the house in some slumber, part awake, level one asleep... I shuffle wander.
sleep evades any hope of repair as another morning will arrive new and fare.
a large mug of coffee fill, as I shake off the softened chill.. when will I find the proper pill? ("Coffee, ah, will be the morning's demand reward".)
Sleep is a dream evading my time. It sits in circles of the mind. circles I chase and wish to capture paste on the wall. Whereas I could unclinch the cliff preventing my fall. Never falling with surmount insistence, instead, standing at attention of all life's varied assistance.
Tired, not as I exist in this zombie state, sleepy eyes still closed sleep's gate. Exhausted, drained and mentally lame. My body screams in pain and vain.
Rest is a flight. HE avoids my night. t.v. channels, meditation, infomercials, revelations. Try to wish away the wake, and start to fall... into the hush... slowly slush.... sleep a must.... BOOM! the bell of conscious sends a scatter to sleepwalk nausea.
Pills prescribed for these ills, none for me do their will. Wishing day to stumble an hour's nod. Dawning sun... again in quicksand's mandate trod.