The scars on your heart, are from shots straight through your chest Lead your life for no-one else will play your role, our greatest pain is our own regrets.
You have to know what's at stake, and eat it like it's a last supper. Can't keep believing that you're a mistake, because life doesn't come with a rubber.
Don't try to be what you're not, and tie yourself into people's views. Don't pay your way to the top, the fall costs more when you lose.
Acting cheap won't keep you safe, so save yourself the time. Don't live in things not of your place, it will soon turn sketchy when you're out of line.
Inhale the air by the moment, exhaling out life. For death comes unexpected, when you die no human can call it. So before then don't be the one left when all others did things right.
If you can't keep to what you say, stick to what you can read. If you want to complain try and do it after you pray, see by then if you still don't believe.
And if life gave you a quarter, how would you spend it? Don't hide behind a smile, you'll be only a poser. Have only hate to say to a person, best not say it.
Good company is not always a given, while bad we quickly run to. Nothing can be done if keep on wishing, and these words I've written is my advice to you.
You choose whether to take it, or leave it be. You choose whether to share it, or leave it be. You choose whether to declare it, or leave it be.