I fear that each movement we make is becoming a flinch or a cringe. As though the meaning of the words has been lost in translation- or, perhaps, in repetition. I feel we neglect the things we need to say and repeat the things we already know to be true. Monotony is I Love You. Sincerity is God, I Adore You.
Perhaps it's not about words anymore. Perhaps it's that longing looks have shifted to mere glances. That special occasions have been taken for granted. Perhaps it's no longer about beginnings. Yet, not quite about ends. Less about the heartbreaks; but more about heartbends.
The fear is that lover's hearts don't come in pairs. That once the first is broken, there are no spares. I believe that everyone's greatest fear... After the words have been written... After the books have been closed... The goodbye's have been said... Is being forgotten.
Monotony is singularity. However; Sincerity is, at the end of time, the ability to say that we were never truly alone. (D 31:6)