The silver fog slithers around my ankles, slowly winding up my legs with a serpent's silk move. Squeezing her fingers, my mother and I approach the barn-red house.
It breathes heavily and its exhale reveals a backyard cemetery. As the mist settles, a limestone hand reaches out to ****** her away.
Down the street the dollhouse neighbor cannot see me screaming, weeping, I call for help.
Brown-green water drips from the bathroom ceiling-- the plumber continues plumbing.
Sweat beads form on the tip of the fat priest's nose, as he climbs the broken stairs, he continues preaching.
The porcelain girl wears her mother's brown-stained ivory prom dress. Chanting, Sonofabitch. Sonofabitch.
They cannot see me-- I flail my limbs. They cannot hear me-- Their own cursing drown out my voice.