Your love is a drug your touch is an addiction with pupil dilation and body feeling free I really do even scientifically get high when you are next to me
The hormones and pheromones flow in through my nose sink into my skin and flow through then out again as we lay entwined smelling tasting and touching each other.
To explain love is both intangible illogical and unknown while at the same time a scientific and physiological study of the way our bodies interact.
True love versus lust and arousal which is more addicting and which is something worth predicting?
These must be the reasons why when we are together we cannot seem to think we just want to sleep we laugh about nothing and smile for miles we both go limp and hard at the same time sending us both on a ride that leaves us flying high
I must say that addiction runs in my family and I am not sure I will ever be able to give you up. Worse than nicotine caffeine pills and alcohol Your love truly is a drug and I will never leave you under the rug.
It is said that what is between two people, is something no other will understand even the most in depth conversation can never explain ….and yet here I am writing ten times a day to try and convey this feeling to others all in complete pride and vain.