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Oct 2020
You’re walking down the hall, and you feel the eyes on your back. You hear the nonexistent whispers about how outdated your outfit is, or how bad your make-up is today even though you spent all morning applying it layer by layer not thinking about the consequences. All you can think about is how others will judge you. Judge your hair, your eyebrows, every single thing about you that can be seen. The words live in you, they dance with the tears that fall down your face as you run into the bathroom stall. The one place they can't get  you. They can't hear your sobs, but you can hear them. The words. Like sticky notes on your back. You know they’re laughing. And all you can think is why am I not good enough?

You wait for the bell to ring, and you make your escape with dried tears on your face. Again, you can hear the whispers. This time about how ugly you are and how you could never fit in.
You get judged even though you spend so much time on yourself being sure everything is perfect. In class you can never focus on the lectures because the insults swim in your head not caring how much it's breaking you. You act okay because you fear the ones you confess to will turn into the ones that started it in the first place. No matter who tells or doesn't tell, there will always be hate. And then rises the question, Why am I not good enough?

You’re broken. You’re broken into pieces spread on the floor like nothing ever mattered more than you just not being there. Not being anywhere. And you feel so small, so weak and sad. Your family members know nothing about you. You're a child yet they know so little about you. How does that make you feel? Broken? Depressed? Like you must give up to end the pain? Well think again. Look from their perspective. They know nothing because you tell them nothing. You don't tell them how you get called ugly three times everyday, or how you cry everyday more times than you actually attend class. You see, you have a choice. You have a choice to not be broken no matter how worthless you feel or how ugly you feel. No matter how disgusting that bathroom stall is, or how wet your desk is from your tears. At that moment you think, Why am I not good enough for you? You still feel broken but it's a start towards happiness. You get on your knees after they hit you down like you're a piece of trash. Show them you can be more than the girl or boy who runs into the bathroom everyday to cry. Show them you are more than the girl or boy who has tear drops across their homework.

Then raises the question; Does hurting me, breaking me, tearing me apart, make you feel better? Do you feel good knowing you're putting someone else down to build yourself up? Do you really feel good at the end of the day knowing that you're just spreading your pain? And comes upon a new question;

Are any of us good enough? Can we all really ever be good enough?
No amount of make-up, hair extensions, or plastic nails can define our worth. We are our own people and you need to choose what type of person you want to become. Do you want to become the one to break others and know that you're hurting others for your emotional state? Do you want to be the broken one? The sad, depressed one who feels that they can't do anything? Or do you want to be the person to DO something? To SEE the issue and do something about it instead of spreading it. Don't make others feel worn down just so you can add them to your collection of victims for your happiness.
And from this; comes the final question;
What is good enough?
Please feel free to use this in speeches.
Written by
BlueJay  F/CA
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