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Oct 2020
Have I felt this way forever?
Memories come back fleeting like the seasons
Every year, my heart aches in the autumn
The rebirth of old moments of a time ago,
Has time changed me? Or have I forgotten what it felt like?
Energies within me compete with one another
I am the king, you are the king. Who will win?
Will nostalgia take over and leave me suspended in stagnation.
Can I pick up the roots and relocate to the next frame.
The augmentation of my reality has become a dream.
Do I sit in this daydream bliss and watch time unfold before me,
This temporary happiness is tempting,
I could stay on this cloud for quite a while,
Alas, this is not how it is done.
Not everyone can bask in these short sweet memories.
The cloud wisps away as reality sets in,
My feet hit the ground running.
I still think of you from time to time,
A smile grows within me as I contemplate that summer.
Leaves rustle in the stillness of my thoughts.
My heart could have been happy with you, grappling for adventure in far away lands.
Risking my comfort was unheard of, to take a blind leap may have been too much.
How is one to know?
Will I ever know?
Written by
Em  F/Great White North.
(F/Great White North.)   
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