What do I really want? I'll need some time to think but in the meantime let me inform you that your sunglasses turn me off. they haunt me with images of Lady Gaga and if you're anything like her I say nuh-uh. You spend too much time painting your nails checking your phone and looking for sales. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying looking nice is wrong trust me i notice but i need someone with their priorities straight not someone who regularly takes a picture of their plate. and I don't want to just sit there and stare into your eyes saying they're a teardrop from the moon trying to get you to swoon. your eyes could be the most beautiful things i've ever seen but that means **** to me when you're a material queen. instead, while we gaze into each other's eyes i'll probably pick your nose stick it in your ear or wipe it on your clothes
i need someone who understands that life is really about where we've been where we're going and most definitely about taking the scenic route because if our eyes are the windows to our souls that's where I'll be looking when we grow old and i'll see all our memories not the cancer the spots or crippling disease. because age may wrinkle our skin, and time pass us like wind what's truly important is what's within. Just like wine we'll only get better in time. so lets make those memories lets scrape our knees really feel the breeze and please please please remember that we can stay young if we just act a little dumb. remember these mountains we climb would take less time if we hold each other's hands and intertwine. that way, whether we make it to the top or life pulls us down we'll be together. my love. my crown.