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Jan 2021
A heart of gold, a mind as coal, a pitiable soul locked in a cage of silence.

A ****** sight I see when I close my eyes, a hellish nightmare I can't escape when I open them.

Feel no pity for the blind, for they see nothing, pity he who sees but can't even tell himself.

I have been with you all the days of your life, yet you know not of my existence.

My voice is but psithurism to you, always I speak, but you only hear my whispers when you're not listening.

Your heart is black, you paint it red and claim it white, you hide the gray deep within.

Seek truth in meaning not in appearance, for freedom is earned and never given.
The stupidity in wisdom, the more we learn, the more we lose, the irony of life is that we are all slaves to a master we cannot escape from, our desire to be accepted. The more we adapt and assimilate into our environment in a vain pursuit of finding ourselves, the more of a stranger we become to ourselves.
Written by
Ken  23/M
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