'Ah, did you once see Eliot plain, And did he stop and speak to you?'
Well...no...not actually. Well...kinda...sorta.
Crossing the street in a sudden shower
amidst the trill of bicycle bells the honk honk of motor cars.
"Oi! Watch where y'are going love!"
And there stood Eliot frozen in time
balanced on his toes crossing and not crossing
a bit like an undecided procrastinated Prufrock.
He looked exactly like himself
like a photo come alive an annonymous bowler hatted man.
An unused umbrella perched on the crook of an arm
He appeared both calm and alarmed.
As if a poem had crossed his mind
interrupting his crossing among the plop of large raindrops.
I wanted to quote his words to him to say somehow I know his mind.
And for all of that second he was mine.
As if I owned the very essence of him.
I took him by the arm. Reminded him he had an umbrella.
It was as if I was talking to a somewhat forgetful God.
"Mmm yes...mmm thank you my dear!"
'How strange it seems, and new!' as Mr. Browning once remarked.
And did you speak to him again? How strange it seems, and new!
But you were living before that, And you are living after, And the memory I started atβ My starting moves your laughter!
I crossed a moor, with a name of its own And a certain use in the world no doubt, Yet a hand's-breadth of it shines alone 'Mid the blank miles round about:
For there I picked up on the heather And there I put inside my breast A moulted feather, an eagle-featherβ Well, I forget the rest.