I remember When I was young I used to play in the garden And there were my friends The insects, the dogs and the cat We’d be lost out there for who knows how long Climbing the trees Climbing the fences Nothing was too high Watching the skies As they say, Time flies by
I’d spend all day Out there If I could Feeling my feet Conform to the wood The same way The snail Holds the ground And the boatman beetle Swims upside down
Do you remember That one time Not so long ago When your mother said She locked you out sometimes And forced you to stay outside Pretending not to hear youre screaming To come in She sent away the neighbour Through the window That I could only come in When my father Got home.
And do you remember Sometimes That the only acceptable excuse Was in desperate need All the fun things Always come back And I can’t avoid the connotations The sly suggestions That all I knew Has been tainted In the tentacles Stuck in that slime That never washes off The yellow stain Of so many millipedes I wanted to show Everything I know Has been Enshrined In neglect Or abuse.