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Jul 2013
Golden light falls down like dripping honey
Bathing the world with a melancholy light
My feet make no noise
Except when I see a pile of dead leaves
I bring up my inner child and step on them
The crunch of a noise
Brings a laugh to my lips
But the wind blows it away
Back into the leaves, so when they die
And fall back down to the ground
And someone else steps on them
My laugh escapes
It lives in the forest
With the trees
Slowly growing higher and higher
Looking all the way down to my house
And as I walk down the path
Stepping on more leaves
I see my face reflected in the bark
I see my eyes peering from an owl’s back
I see my own feet sitting on a stream
My essence being forced
Forced into a world I’ve never known before
An instagram picture
Of a life I wish I knew
Penelope Hazel Dufresne
Written by
Penelope Hazel Dufresne  London
   Clem C
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