MLK described his hope to live in a colour blind world, What he meant, was to acknowledge race and colour first, and be concerned, Concerned what privilege we were born into, and what was not earned Not disregard the differences or how inequalities are preserved. you’re supposed to see colour first and understand the struggles people face, face for having different skin colour or being a minority race.
Call out racist jokes when you hear them with your friends and family Because these micro aggressions need to be addressed for their brutality Brutality with its unimaginable gravity and tragedy On people who have worked so hard to fight grim actuality.
When tragedies occur do your research and infer, with plenty of resources online to educate ourselves on the history and the issues that present themselves. As communities, we should take a moment to think Think of the frustration, limitation and the unimaginable disintegration of wealth disparities, justice bias, education and housing discrimination That the colour of our skin gave us different experiences and oppressions So no, we aren’t ready to call ourselves colour blind because we just cannot be. The colour of our skin was an agency of prejudice, power, and prosperity. At a time like this, when its hardest to fight, fight for what’s fair and right and ask as many questions as you’d like Or racism will continue to blight humanity at its sight.