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Sep 2020
In the silence of my mind,
A lone voice echoes there.
Seemingly softer than I can hear,
Yet louder than I can bear.

I begin to question my calling,
Standing at the fork in my path;
The destination of either one I cannot see.
Music wafts from the path on to my right,
But I’m drawn toward the one on the left.

Did I hear you correctly God?
Did I know you at all?
Somehow did I build my own path,
Or maybe somehow did I stray?

I feel comfort in people
But silence is my refuge.
I lose myself in the words of others
Yet I don’t hear them at all.

Now don’t think that I’m not happy,
In the place which I’ve found myself.
Each day is a new joy
Each breath, strength not to stray.
Written by
Grace  35/F
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