It may not have ever crossed your mind, or just could be something you ignore. I'm just glad I can't see your face when I'm not here any more. It's not that I don't love your face, I can't express how much joy it brings. But on that day I leave your life, just the thought of it kinda stings.
I'd never hurt you intentionally, I hope you know this to be true. If I had one wish it all, It'd be used to never leave you. I'd love to give you everything, there's just some things I can't do; Live forever, long, or full. Just to name a few.
You'll do fine, just remember all the times that we have had. I helped you become a stronger person. In fact, it won't be all that bad. All those times I needed you, you helped so selflessly. Just one last thing you'll need to do, Be brave and don't worry about me.