Was grown up on secrets and lies, tucking things under the rug. Forcing a smile on my lips, and praying to god for a better tomorrow. And some days it would work, and others it wouldn't so I had a leap of faith.
Some may think the devil isn't real, but I can assure you he is. And we happen to call him Addiction. Grew inside my body like wildfire.
I never wanted to be like you.
I let smoke fill my lungs, my eyes starting to fade low. Genius. Hey, what a fix for the time being.
I have *** for the first time ever. Numb. Is this love?
Not even *** could fulfill the high I was searching for. Dark.
I was itching for the urge to feel nothing at all.
And then I met you, and with meeting you I met many, many other things.
Pretty little pill, where have you been all my life? Allowing the world to blur around me. Numb. "Hello? Are you in there anymore?"
I look at myself in the mirror. Who are you?
"Never again." I say. But we all know how that goes.