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Sep 2020
What do you do when you crying so hard that you can't breathe?
What do you do when you clinch you hands so hard that you feel every finger crack?
What do you do when all you want to do is scream and yell?
What do you do when you want to punch something?
What do you do when you are so angry that you want to throw things and break things?
What do you do when the pain you are feeling won't go away?
What do you do when you are trying so hard to keep it together?
But it just making you fall apart even more.
When the only person you know that can make all this go away is no where near you?
When the only person is so far away that he can't even tell that I'm falling apart I'm breaking I'm losing myself again
What do you do when you want it all to just stop?
What do you do when you are on your knees praying and begging god to just take you away?
What do you do when you are crying asking why?
What do you do when you don't even know what's causing it?
What do you do when there is no reason for this?

I fight my demons every day just to get out of bed. But some days they get to me so bad where I lose myself. Its not easy living with depression, anxiety etc.. Trust me I know but What do you when there is no reason for it? I never play the victim because i made my demons myself. For all the wrong things i have done and for caring way to much. I always give all of me but its never good enough. I dont ask for much. But i guess to some its too much. Some days i feel like the world will be better off with out me. Somedays i feel alone. But most days i feel emptiness and that is what kills me the most.

What do i do when everything is my fualt and i cant fix it?
Written by
Samantha  27/F/Ohio
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