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Jun 2013
In my dreams, I visit people that I don't even visit when I'm--awake
I visit people that I don't even know
I go to their homes, they take me in, we converse...
We share intimate looks, how was your day?
What have you been up to?
If they have a problem, they speak to me about it
In my dreams, I go into the darkest places. I visit the darkest things
I see death, I see people in turmoil, harm
And I stand there just sitting, watching them while I can't do anything at all
But do what I have already been doing nothing
In my dreams, I see everyone that I could have ever been with
Anyone that I could have touched but didn't
Because I decided to go with someone else
In my dreams, my subconscious speaks about all my ifs and could haves of my life
My dreams mock me for I would never do any of these things while I'm awake
Want to see what I see?
Derrek Alfred Gudiño López
Written by
Derrek Alfred Gudiño López  San Diego
(San Diego)   
   Timothy Brown
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