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Sep 2020
Life seem pointless at most times
I used to look upon the stars with the declaration of hope
Now all I see is darkness
The world I used to view as black and white has turned into shades of grey
No true right nor wrong
I see things in a different manner then when I was younger
The true pain this world bestows onto others is nothing more then a farce
The conviction I used to hold myself to has faded
More then it should have
I used to look toward a light at the end of the tunnel
But it just stretches ever so more
I don’t know what to do
I have the plan of pushing forward like I always have
But I can shake the idea of killing myself
I’ve become so numb to the point of what feels like no return
Fake smiles and dry tears is all I seem to have left
Life is just so pointless
As least it does to me
Written by
Matthew  19/M
   Bogdan Dragos
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