Serene heart waves submerging deep, a book, Dwelling in some lyrics mellifluous, manifesting A deep insight of my self composed song, Shimmying from my significant nook To create the music with my waves Awaited unity's celebration by their shimmer Sparkle some more to let me hear my song:-
"Waves of my past had flowed in the rhythm Of the music of the rain, with a dulcet voice Which used to leave my soul with no choice, But to dance with the dancing ripples
That rose plant with emerald foliage Whose charm had never faded with age, Whose ruby prickles had blessed my palm With wounds as red as themselves and the bloom
And the tranquil touch of the winter's duvet, Memories of it trapped in crystals of dew Hustle had been replaced by apparent stillness, Gifting a moment of solace, so new"
So, colourful lyrics and zippy waves have told That my dear nature's quite schmaltz, So, once how badly I'd wished To fill the infinite pages of my book Yeah, it's yet to be finished