Mosadi o tshwara thipa ka fa bogaleng But what happens when you're the one holding the other end of the knife Threatening to take my life Lessening my chances of living beyond 20 years
I am from Botswana, the country where **** has become our culture In my country 33 women are ***** a week Over a population we all wish could increase I thought monsters only existed in fairy tales we see on television And not 5 houses away from mine I am not comfortable in my own home I am not comfortable in my own home I am not comfortable in my own home Like any other female 17 year old
And this generation thinks its okay This generation repeatedly thinks that this is the new normal **** has become so common
Did you know that **** humiliates a woman A society A nation And even the world **** is a dish served cold Aren't you tired of being told the same story over and over? Doesn't this song get old?
My heart beats for those hearts that have stopped beating It bleeds for those that have lost their blood to the hands of a man
You say stay home, stay safe But i am a predator of a man who is here to deprive me of my pride
You can hear my cry Yet you still decide to turn a blind eye