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Sep 2020
you will not miss me
because I do not intend to go

you will not miss me
because I will stay strong


you will not miss me
because if I have any say
I will never leave

Not until everyone I love is dead
and everyone who loves me
and I don't want to live forever.

but please do not miss me.

Don't cry yourself to sleep
don't wonder what you might have said
don't wish you could have gotten to say goodbye
you won't miss me because I refuse to die

and rip apart hearts
in the ways some ripped apart mine.

And I don't blame you for dying.
What could I have asked of you?
but if I think of the grief
and the pain it's caused me
who didn't love you best
or know you best
if I think of that
I can't die.

You will not miss me.
I couldn't live with myself if you did.
inspired by the username of someone who liked one of my last poems.
Written by
egghead  22/F
   Crow, --- and Bogdan Dragos
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