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Sep 2020
He hadn't seen her since the day they left high school...... the police station. the middle of the night. ....

He an average boy then, she an outstanding girl - what could have  conspired against her for her to be the girl he was witnessing. .?

As his eyes screened her shabby self her involvement with a bunch of people who's sordid deeds were being penned down by the cops, he was saddened - deeply.

He could feel his secret emotions flooding his heart back once again.

He slipped out the page which had her name off the pack of sheets of FIR's being drafted, as an IG he could risk this tiny bit of impropriety.

She was a rag, **** ripped and delirious.

He couldn't help but probe into the horrifying transformation from a brilliant, outgoing,  multi talented, beautiful girl. ..a favourite of the teachers, envy of every girl and desired by every boy......just like the desire he held in his heart......

It was love. ........
Her love for the boy who's dream to be the topper could be true but for her topping each and every time. His lust for revenge dipped in a coating of fake love devastated her and crushed her personality down to scrap.

His eyes filled up for the first time since the last time he had seen her. His dry empty broken heart suddenly experienced moistening by droplets of long lost love returning and filling his heart and his life.......

Slowly but surely he was going to bring her lost self back....

Her revival now was his purpose restored....!!!!
Written by
Ain  40/F/UAE
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