Drifting along inside of dreamland Oh how it reaches the edges of the mind Holding the smooth hand of Sandman You never know just what you find
Screaming and covered in sweat Falling into a void with no net A man stalking you in the park Things reach for you from the dark
Night terrors haunt this night just like all the others Gasping now for a breath, your being feels smothered WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! From this nightmare
You fight and you fight But nothing works, it’s not right Ripping and pulling Your arms from their sockets
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! From this nightmare
You’re lying in your tangled sheets And you are foaming at the mouth Mumbling there, screams in your sleep There is no way to get out
Cannot breathe, like you’re tied down No word escapes you, not even a sound Screaming for help is all you want to do Struggle your best, no one will come help you
Night terrors haunt this night just like all the others Gasping now for a breath, your being feels smothered WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! From this nightmare