I stare wordlessly out into other people's lives peeking past the violet-tinted windows of the freeway as your chat-chatter spills from your coffee cup filled to the brim with handshakes and impatience
You clutch your earpiece tighter, scowling as I trace the horizon across the glass smudgy fingertips that sigh boredom
and the Mexican workers in orange vests peer back at me curious and wave turn to their left and shout something in Spanish tongues dancing, slick with dust
I smile as they crumple their lunch sacks and pitch them down into the rubble then hoist brick by brick, stone by stone no natural-made boundary into the chalky air and perch for a while to mop the sweat from their brown creased faces and sing rowdily to their neighbors and the immobile in the SUVs
You lock the doors fast and pat your hair into place I've got no time for this construction you say, can't they build this highway somewhere else? as you drum your fingers along to the siren song of CEOs and business connections
You're just the same as the rest of them. Man forever building bridges that will only topple down.