Nobody can tell me the internet isn’t anything but anxiety-inducing Scrolling for days hunting for the many ways To be vital, to be liked, to be followed, to be adored By the faceless masses that you wouldn’t look at twice in the street And isn’t that the key? To find self-freedom and the confidence to be Anything you want to be without all those despising eyes Castigating and spreading lies that they don’t have to answer for And where’s the justice in that? But equally Why does it affect us so much? Why does it get under our skin If we really know it doesn’t mean a thing It shouldn’t force us to change our very core The deep-rooted feelings we’ve so far successfully believed in Because in the long run People respect honesty and truth Even if it means we end up living in a conflicted dystopian world It’s better than a self-created unsustainable make-believe ******* fantasy And yeah, I’m well aware that sounds crazy But I’m here to tell you It’s fine to spend hours in aeroplane mode In the aim to find salvation in time spent alone I honestly believe the world would be in a better place if we all lived that way But what do I know? Of course I know nothing at all