Each autumn, my heart aches for you, and drifts back to so long ago, with smells and sounds of fall’s awakening. What seems like just a few short weeks, a lifetime swiftly passed me by.
You left us on that Tuesday morn, as rain seeped from the wet outside, and caused our eyes overflow, raining down on tear stained cheeks, that drenched us in bittersweet release.
We huddled round your dying chair, while softly holding silenced hands, as if to hold fast to your soul, embosomed to its earthly bonds, hearts longing that you stay,
Our broken hearts could not endure, but knowing that your time was nigh, we placed a kiss upon your cheek and with a blessing sent you off, to be at peace from cancer’s grip.
And as you drew that one last breath, you mouthed those words bereft of sound, and with that final breath bestowed, on us a gift, your dying words of “I love you”.