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Aug 2020
I wanted to show everyone that your remnants don't affect me anymore. And that just like you, I could live my life on a different paper, and walk on a different gutter.
I needed everyone to see that I was living my life to the fullest and so I won't get pity from people who also believed that we will last forever. But when the city simmered down from noise, when my friends went home to go back to their own lives, when the rest sleeps behind silence and sparkling stars. I was left alone there on my bed, wondering about so many things. I was there, left alone thinking about the thoughts I refused to take a second look with under the broad daylight. I was left there, thinking about you. I hope you're doing fine. I hope that unlike me, you don't go through tough times. Maybe after all that happened and broke, you learned that there's relief from stopping yourself from
missing me.
Written by
Jenisha Gautam  F/Kathmandu,Nepal
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