As I lay in my bed in my simple Apartment I reside in where many words flow through the aware alive thriving consciousness where I am genuinely amazed and a bit perplexed on how the human psyche and it's most inner part of our cerebral synapses and an array of a massive multi-billion delicate intricate highly complex mechanisms of creating, arranging, compiling, sensing, observing, converging, and lastly elaborating trillions of bits of what we see hear touch smell or taste. Thus creating reality moment by moment second by second as we are simply just being happy to be part of the constant in the now part of creation of what we perceive as reality as far as we know this is the epicenter of what we see is an unknown amount of particles atoms and forces that come together to make the factor of our planet able to sustain life air water fire thunder earth and it's invisible forces making planet earth hospitable and able to thrive with Life and all it's individual constructs of what we perceive to be real yet cannot prove or disprove any theory of reality or a virtual/biological God made hyper-reality. Knowing as Human beings that we are the only Mammals to have fully developed language, reason, intelligence, instinctual feelings and able to meditate throughout all the mind/body/spirit altered states of consciousness if we dedicate and devote our time to learning our limits and restrictions we made to ourselves yet becoming transcendent with more spiritual breakthroughs allowing those Man and Woman who are still spiritually sleep become apt to be awakened and begin learning the ways to enhance modify even defy our previous limitations and restrictions as Human Beings. Nonetheless, we all come from Father God the source of all Spiritual existence here on Earth and in the Heavenly Places. Determination to ultimately finally possess Mankind's greatest questions be finally answered in a complete concrete concise and clear manner eliminating any trace of doubt or better yet creating more diversification of possible probabilities that could become either our greatest answer towards Mankind's struggle to observe, test, and generate the answers the whole world seems to be looking for ...hence if taken all into consideration the TRUTH will be one day known and what LIES our superiors been feeding the millions of people worldwide at that moment their respective methods of making a LIE sound almost exact to the TRUTH shall be known and then a mass awakening of the spirit shall sweep the Earth those blind shall see those deaf shall hear those sick shall be made whole and peace and prosperous times will abound. Let me give the reader a simple self explanatory answer to the problems we as Humans face today...Racism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Terrorism, Hunger, Famines, War, Poverty, World Wide Pandemics, Fear delegated corrupt systems of Justice,
Using Religion as a form of Mass Control, Violence, Drugs and *** being constantly advertised on TV, Media and Internet being shown to Kids and Teenagers under-developed minds showed this ****** and obscene themes through subliminal imaging and hypnotic suggestion. If we truly as Adults take a closer look at teenagers or children these days ohhh the Childhood eras have surely changed tremendously. Now days kids wanna be feel and do as if they got the freedom to do right or wrong without reprecautions nor consequences just because of their age they feel entitled to do come and go and act in such ways is just absolutely unacceptable for my time and Era to behave such way nor even act or say anything that revolves around disowning or dishonoring their Parents. We live in a World governed by the Elite families who fix create and either control or let corrupt individuals with sick and twisted personalities control what goes on in their countries yet they themselves are being also controlled by a higher up later of Elite man and woman that run the combined economical, judicial, educational and health systems. To bring change to this we as communities must get together and fight this people in power and abolish their secret societies vote for a true individual who will stand up for the people's rights and have the society's interests at heart create programs for the needy and homeless allow laborers to a better pay create a stronger more fluid cash flow in the states and push congress to invest into our struggling communities. A Leader who will fight to end injustice and corruption in our federal courts involve our youth in camps in all variety of fields like business, art, sciences, Web development, Hand on jobs teaching them to have a basic understanding of construction, design, pluming, electricity, and many many more. Design workshops also for our Young Adults focused on learning a trade to once they complete the whole course graduate them and provide them leads to jobs who will hire them based on their trade. While acquiring the job give them a small reasonable lump sum of cash while still unemployed but yet looking for a company to hire them on to their crew once hired after their second paycheck cut off their provisional cash and provide them with motivational programs to help them deal with the stress and allow their energy to refocus on doing the next right thing. Unite our communities to create strong bonds with competitive large companies that will provide good benefits for their workers good 41K plans and give them provisional bonuses of small to moderate amounts of cash be added to their pay for achieving from 3 to 6 to 9 to 12 months of steady work that way the work place remains constant and keep their workers happy and satisfied with their jobs. Lastly I want to remind whoever is reading this that together we stand strong but separated we fall apart keep God always 1st in everything and have faith on him and his provision of blessings and leave him your pain your struggles and allow yourself to be guided by his hands for with him nothing is impossible.
The Lord is on the Move Amen!