Er’e he plays his pipes forever and a day and his faithful friend is ne’er far away..wi Scotland in his blood and those bagpipes t’ween his shoulder.. his sight warms the cockles frae any beholder..
“Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing” and as the Scottish songs echo around.. all the passerby’s sing.. but Malcolm stands steadfast with his mind on his mission.. as the crowds enchore and revel in their vision.. for here is a true born Celtic soul and his passion for his historic past is his absolute goal..
So Malcolm McEwan plays his bagpipes far and wide with Misty his old Collie dog e’er by his side.. And I can well imagine that thru the timelessness of time when the pair have risen up to those heaven’s so sublime..there amidst the shadows and the darkness of the night.. one will hear yon pipes playing with muster and might.and ay it’l be the lone piper with his loyal pet happy in play.. listening to “Over the hills and faraway”