was i that immature i couldn’t even handle it? was i that irresponsible i couldn’t even pilot it? tell me please...was i that juvenile? tell me please...could i have done a little more to be little more mature?
was i that immature i couldn’t even tackle it? was i that irresponsible i couldn’t even rival it? tell me please...what happened to my rapport? tell me please...why did i go that route? why did i bottom out?
that’s where i’m leveled at, why i can’t interact just marked as another cookie-cutter product just some more by-catch trapped in the net to be shucked off into oblivion next
and you always break it to me at the most unpredictable times like i can’t take it seated down: one-to-one and the pressure’s on? {come on!} why so self-confident? you’re not as rigid as you think tough? no way! and out of sync
you’re so ******...
Everything goes in circles, emotions especially, like here: confessions → pity party → barrage → regain composure. Then it happens again. And again. And again. It’s a cycle—it never stops.