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Aug 2020
Can't believe I would've jumped over a bridge to be by your side
Took dare devil risks together, the modern day bonnie and clyde
I tried to keep it cool, I did wonders to excite you
yet you failed to understand
you left me stranded without a plan
I could've chosen you over everything
But for you, it wasn't the same when it came to me
I kept on telling myself you are one of a kind
I guess I was ahead of myself, I was just deceiving my mind
I prayed for you more than I prayed for myself
Stabbed in the back by the person I gave my fragile heart
Now I have to watch you rejoice while I'm left torn apart
I saw you as a partner not a rival
Yet I still pray and wish you good with my hand on the bible
Im a scorned lover
Siya Selani
Written by
Siya Selani  24/F/South Africa
(24/F/South Africa)   
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