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Aug 2020
Nothing but despair is
Life as I know it,
Nothing but a far and distant cry.
In the darkness,
Blackbirds announce the morning
And a nightingale alone sings lullabies.

The first rays of the sun awake the raven;
Its students,
A robin and an owl.
And some dark god awakens
From its slumber
To wreak havoc on Earth,
Cruel, yet divine.

The "Harbinger of Doom"
In all its glory,
Resplendent and sunbathed beyond doubt
It finds me, it hunts me,
And it throws me
Blow by blow
And without respite to the ground.

'I' and 'Me' always too deep in conversation,
The taste of venom in my tongue
Nought can deter.
Such self-hatred can't coexist with admiration,
For one to thrive must the other
Fade away.

The sweetest words can
Come along with sour actions,
Like the waves of the ocean come with storms,
And when caffeine is not enough
To keep me going,
My heart is to blame,
Broken doll parts I've become.

The world has squashed me,
Like a bug under a microscope,
Poked and probed me
But found nothing to exploit.
I am empty; not much to find,
I'm afraid,
The dark god awakens once again.

I tremble with the fear and
With the doubt,
The dark god rumbles,
Once again I hit the ground.
Written by
Evangeline  24/F/Florida
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