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Aug 2020
You let yourself be touched in the gentlest of ways,
a feather caressing your skin from your fingertips up to your shoulder and on til your cheek, letting loose a sensation that reverberates
out from the center of your chest into your whole body
and out from it.
It makes you a lighthouse, an involuntary beam of unrepressed, most intimate joy.
A most honest feeling.
The water beneath your feet is crystal clear now,
truly reflecting icy blue and silver, not cold.
It brings almost as much joy to you as this caressing touch.
And you want to show it, point it out, share the knowledge of it, that is. You are eager.
And you don’t have to worry that you might not find your wayΒ Β back.
And you already know why. You have mastered the water,
as it taught you how to, tirelessly and in so many ways.
Written by
Me  Here and Now
(Here and Now)   
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